About the Group

The Pivka – Delamaris Group is a 100% Slovenian-owned food processing company.  It is a stable and evelopment-oriented company, striving for the self-sufficiency of Slovenia and the worldwide distribution of its products. It is a top supplier of chicken meat and of ready-to-cook
chicken and fish dishes. Its production focuses on healthy, safe and tasty food.

Production capital

The best things are created in balance. Of nature and man. Of earth and water. Of community and individual. Of tradition and new knowledge. Of skills passed down from generation to generation and novel technologies showing the way forward.

The best things stem from dedicated work.




chicken farmers


specialised food manufacturing plants


feed factory





Our brands

Our brands are synonymous with healthy, natural and innovative food products of superior quality that contribute to a better life through their convenience and sustainability.

Your development and production partner

Are you looking for a contract manufacturer for meat, fish or plant-based food products? We support you from development to the finished product.

Private libel


We work hand in hand with nature to produce healthy and innovative food products of top quality. We provide active consumer culinary enjoyment while saving time every day.

We are focused on providing safe, tasty and high-quality products that meet our customers’ expectations.

Our values

Maturity & Knowledge

With over 65 years of experience in poultry production and 145 years in fish product manufacturing, we constantly improve our knowledge and skills. Our products are based on tried and tested methods, ensuring top quality and reliability.


We are always developing new products and programs, finding better ways to improve our offerings. We were the first in Slovenia to offer breaded products, chicken with omega-3 fatty acids and selenium, as well as antibiotic-free meat and fish salads with grains.


We are committed to ensuring the highest standards of safety and quality at every step of production. We place special emphasis on sustainable practices that protect the environment and support our communities. Our commitment includes responsible farming and accountability to our employees, partners, customers, and other stakeholders.


Our cooperation with employees, suppliers, and customers is built on trust and respect. We are deeply connected to our local community, creating new jobs and supporting regional development.


After a major fire in 1996, we rebuilt and strengthened the company, showing our courage in overcoming challenges. By integrating Delamaris and reviving the degraded MIP area, we ensured sustainable development. We boldly adopt new technologies and market approaches, even when tough decisions are needed.


Despite historical challenges from wars, fires, and market closures, we have always stayed committed to quality and growth. We steadily build a stable future through sustainable investments and innovative approaches in all areas of our business.

Growth strategy

“We want to be specialists. A decade ago we had only one food factory, now we have three. Each specialises in its own programme: there is a strong fresh meat plant in Kal near Pivka, a meat product centre is being developed in Kromberk near Nova Gorica, and there is a canning factory with a bright future.”

Janez Rebec, MSc.

President of the Management Board

Quality Policy

We are committed to quality. We strictly follow regulations and other standards. We work with proven suppliers who provide raw materials and services. We are focused on providing safe, tasty and high-quality products that meet our customers’ expectations.

Consumer safety and health

We provide safe products in line with the highest standards. We promote a culture of safe food.

Continuous improvement

We constantly follow trends and technological advances to provide top- quality and diverse products and services.

Caring for the environment and society

We are committed to ethical, socially responsible and sustainable business. We minimise our negative impact on the environment and the community.


We strive for long-term relationships based on shared values.

Consumer satisfaction

We are dedicated to understanding customer needs and expectations to ensure a high level of satisfaction.

Professional training, development and care for each other

We create a positive working environment. We continuously educate ourselves to meet the challenges and demands of business excellence.

Traceability and transparency

We ensure traceability, authenticity and transparency throughout the production process.

Standards and certificates

Mindful farming – 100% antibiotic-free

Selected quality – Slovenia

IFS Food Bureau Veritas

Socially responsible company

As a major employer in the region, we are responsible for creating an environment conducive to the development of our employees, our farmers and our partners. We produce safe food products in line with the highest standards and build positive consumer attitudes towards local food. We contribute to the preservation of nature through our daily sustainable activity.



As a major employer in the region, the Pivka – Delamaris Group contributes to the development of a favourable living and business environment in every aspect. It contributes to the preservation of nature through sustainable production involving first-class local breeders and suppliers and the establishment of renewable energy sources. It attaches great importance to the preservation of local food products and self-sufficiency.


Restoration and development of brownfield site – the former Mesna industrija Primorske (MIP) plant near Nova Gorica.



Pivka perutninarstvo d.d., founded in 1959, is joined in 2009 by Delamaris d.o.o. – a globally renowned company with a tradition dating back to 1879. This is the beginning of the joint story of the Pivka – Delamaris Group.

By combining our expertise in meat and fish products, we have created a robust system that successfully positions, represents and enhances brands and products in a variety of culturally and culinary diverse markets.


The production of canned fish is relocated to a newly built, modern fish processing plant at Kal near Pivka, offering better working conditions and production development. The Pivka – Delamaris Group thus operates on the same site, creating synergies, preserving traditional products and developing new ones, and making investments to maintain excellent brands.


The Group acquires and renovates a degraded meat processing plant of the former Mesna industrija Primorske (MIP) near Nova Gorica. The premises also host the sister company Kras d.o.o., owned by the joint owner Jata Emona. The specialised meat processing plant allows for the expansion, growth, development and collaboration of two successful food companies.


The Group receives a special Best Food Company award, presented by the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Finance newspaper. The Group was awarded for its forward-thinking in several areas: its commitment to 100% antibiotic-free mindful farming, the creation of novel fish salads, the installation of solar power plants in several locations and its successful penetration of new markets.





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